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Never let a tragedy go to waste

Post by greener » Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:28 am

Earlier this week in western Virginia a reporter and her cameraman were shot and killed by a former station employee while they were doing a piece. Our governor was calling for stronger gun controls, universal background checks, within a couple of hours of the event. The former employee purchased his firearm legally and went through a background check. Two actually, since you complete both the state and federal check forms in Virginia and the State Police run the checks.

The gov is not at all ashamed of such a cynical, ghoulish use of a tragedy to push his agenda. ... ee095.html

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Post by bearandoldman » Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:40 pm

guns is NEWS, if he had more than one gun and two rounds of ammo, he had as the NEWS would say, he had ab arsenal
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Post by Bullseye » Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:27 pm

That Governor was pushing for gun control measures even before the shooter had been stopped by the police, they were still chasing him down the highway when he went on the TV and made his pitch.


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Post by ruger22 » Sat Aug 29, 2015 12:16 pm

That happened 30 odd miles from me, and WDBJ is about a mile from my house. At least the woman reporter's father had a carefully worded statement, about doing more to keep crazy people from getting guns, but not restricting other's gun rights.

The Hildabeast was the first presidential candidate to politicize it, no surprise there.

My question is how come a black shooter and white victims made the media response so much different. I haven't noticed anyone calling him a racist? Had it been the other way around, we'd have all the marching and looting idiocy to contend with.
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Post by charlesb » Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:58 pm

ruger22 wrote:That happened 30 odd miles from me, and WDBJ is about a mile from my house. At least the woman reporter's father had a carefully worded statement, about doing more to keep crazy people from getting guns, but not restricting other's gun rights.

The Hildabeast was the first presidential candidate to politicize it, no surprise there.

My question is how come a black shooter and white victims made the media response so much different. I haven't noticed anyone calling him a racist? Had it been the other way around, we'd have all the marching and looting idiocy to contend with.
Pointing out black racism doesn't turn out democrat votes, so the news media turns a blind eye and pretends that it doesn't exist.

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