Due to parental duties, a long cold snowy winter, recovery from a hand injury, the moon not in the seventh house when Jupiter was aligned with Mars, and any other lame reason I could make up I just have not had a chance to go to the range to shoot.... department qualifications are coming up so I convinced my bride to postpone the honey-do list for a little bit and snuck off to the range....
I had the pistol bay to myself and worked my way through some boolits, and they mostly went where I told them. I policed up my brass and had a crotchety old fart moment (although I am not a crotchety old fart yet), I got ticked that folks had left the target stands (2x4 frames) in pieces and folks had shot them up. I went to the supply shed, got a hammer, repaired 3 bases and 2 stands, then swept the bay out and neatened things up.
Satisfied that it was in better shape than when I got there I went to the 200m range to check zero on my patrol rifle (colt ar15). Probably a good thing as it was shooting 3" left at 50 yards. I banged the gongs (one 16" square and a 10" round) out at 200m and put a couple mags though my rifle.
Then I got to thinking, "I've hit that gong with my 45, I wonder what the drop on a 9 mm is?" I loaded up a mag in my p226 and took some shots at it. I think the drop is about 2 feet at 200m... I hit that sucker 5 out of 10 shooting off hand. And I giggled like a 12 year old boy each time.
Greener, a shootin' trip is in order when you come up next.
Knocking the dust off
Moderators: Bullseye, Moderators
Knocking the dust off
"Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway."
-John Wayne
-John Wayne
Sounds like a good idea. Maybe I should pack a couple of long guns in the locking case this time. I'd love to see what the AR does at 200 yards. Between the weather here and other distractions I haven't had much range time this spring. It's a heck of a thing to be retired and not have time to go to the range. I may need to rethink priorities.