More Big Brother?

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More Big Brother?

Post by ruger22 » Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:11 am

Link to whole article: ... ders_N.htm

Begiining excerpt, I added bold text:

Feds try to detect 'lone offenders'
By Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY

Federal authorities have launched an effort to detect lone attackers who may be contemplating politically charged assaults similar to the recent murders of a Kansas abortion doctor and a Holocaust museum security guard.

The effort, known as the "Lone Wolf Initiative," was started shortly after President Obama's inauguration, in part because of a rising level of hate speech and surging gun sales.

"Finding those who might plan and act alone, the so-called lone offenders ... will only be prevented by good intelligence, the seamless exchange of information among law enforcement at every level, and vigilant citizens reporting suspicious activity," said Michael Heimbach, the FBI's assistant director for counterterrorism.............

And the article continues. Sounds like a good thing, until you think about it..........

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Post by Bullseye » Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:56 am

George Orwell was a prognosticator and his vision becomes more real every day. Like it or not big government is here to stay.



Post by greener » Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:58 pm

Looks like most of the article is based on the Southern Poverty Law Center that has been pushing this type of paranoia for years and the media is all too happy to run with it. Their big three cover almost 30 years and that makes a big worry?

Catching or recognizing these absolutely crazy loners who aren't telegraphing their plans would be virtually impossible to do under even the most rigid totalitarian control. Not that, it seems, some folks would like to see us try.

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Post by bigfatdave » Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:49 am

Bullseye wrote:George Orwell was a prognosticator and his vision becomes more real every day. Like it or not big government is here to stay.
I consider it a civil duty to inundate these programs with white noise.
For instance, while it is not illegal to transfer large sums of money between your own accounts, it does generate paperwork. Depositing / withdrawing large sums of cash (real cash, the folding green kind) also triggers a report under the bank secrecy act (link below), another instance where the citizen is assumed to be a criminal automatically. But if you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to fear, citizen ... now move along! Other stories regarding criminal confiscation of cash from citizens by police have deterred me from withdrawing $10k from bank A, walking across the street to bank B, and depositing the whole $10k ... then reversing the process the next week ... but it is mighty tempting.

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