My gunsmith finished up with the build and function test of my new wad gun Friday. Caspian frame & slide, Kart bbl, slide mounted Ultra Dot.
He was also calling the indoor 50 yard match we had Saturday so he brought it along for me to inspect. Well, I says to myself, what better inspection than to shoot a match with it. So I did. It took both slow fires to get it sighted in and used to the roll trigger (first roll trigger on a 1911). Then I proceeded to shoot the best slow fire I've ever shot, 98-x2 with a called 8.
Probably newgunitis so I was paying better attention to the fundamentals, but I was walking on air. TF & RF didn't go as well. Mainly because I was messing with my grip and relaxing at shot #3. But still wound up with a 287 for the CF NMC.
I know I was pushing it by using unproven loads with a new gun, but as he's built me two others that shoot these loads well I felt very confident. Plus I had my main wad gun in the case for a backup.
The 45 stage of the match didn't go well at all. Not because of the gun, but due to a wrenched lower back that flared up at the end of the CF stage. Spent most of Sunday lying on ice packs and waiting to see the Chiropractor Monday morning.
New horse in the stable
Moderators: Bullseye, Moderators
New horse in the stable
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.” – George Washington
You should be happy with that one. 98 with an eight is a good day at the long line. I like to use Caspian parts with Kart barrels too. I'm sure once you recover from your back issue you'll get out and experiment with the new gun some more and find the diet it really likes to use. Get well!