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Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:32 am
by Hakaman
I find this a little situation a little discouraging, and it's not even happening to me.
We don't live in a perfect world, but when I buy something that is new, I expect it to work,
especially after it has been serviced. It makes it difficult to ask for your money back, a refund, due to the serial # business.
The smaller they make guns, I believe, the more problems they will have. There's just toooo much going on in such a small area.
I personally think that you have to make a decision:
"Do you trust this gun to be your "SELF DEFENSE" hg?
Just my thoughts,

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:13 pm
by ruger22
Hakaman wrote:The smaller they make guns, I believe, the more problems they will have. There's just toooo much going on in such a small area.
I don't think there is a problem with small guns themselves, but the fact they are the current fad. Ruger's smaller designs, the LCP and LC9, are under pressure from all the competition. The designs are sound, but production has been rushed to fill demand.

I don't know where Ruger is making everything. They've added a lot of guns, but I haven't heard that they added any factory space.

Other forums mostly sing the praises of the LC9. Greener just got the unfortunate occaisional slip. It is very uncharacteristic of Ruger to not fix one 100% on the first try, though.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:55 pm
by bgreenea3
I don't think you can judge an entire line of pistols quality on one or two problem children. A bad one of any model from any manufacturer will slip past QC sooner or later. I picked up a para pre LDA to fondle at the gun shop a while back and the smooth DA pull was about 20 lbs....a tad heavier than it should've been, the clerk boxed it up and sent it back to para to get fixed right there.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:51 pm
by Hakaman
Looking at the Ruger forum there seems to be a mixture of reviews. I think alot of people own and like them.
The biggest hassle is the effort of sending them back and waiting. Two of my favorite shooters, both S&W had to go back for service.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:23 pm
by greener
Before I bought mine, I saw almost all great reviews. After I bought it, I started seeing some that weren't quite as positive. I've become less enthused by the pistol after it had to go back the second time. I hope Ruger gets it's act together and fixes the problem.

How are things going Haka? Figured you Detroiter's would be in a state of schock with pro athletics

Lions and Tigers and beaten Bears, oh my.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:37 pm
by Hakaman
greener wrote:Before I bought mine, I saw almost all great reviews. After I bought it, I started seeing some that weren't quite as positive. I've become less enthused by the pistol after it had to go back the second time. I hope Ruger gets it's act together and fixes the problem.

How are things going Haka? Figured you Detroiter's would be in a state of schock with pro athletics

Lions and Tigers and beaten Bears, oh my.
When I bought my PM-9, it was wound so tight that it had an occasional failure to feed with a fully loaded mag. After about 500 rounds it appears completely reliable. It is amazing how all companies are manf'g super light/small pistols. I have actually thought of buying a LC9, but I got my PM9 that I use. I wonder if quality control is manned minimally these days, with all the cutbacks companies are making? Like I mentioned, both my Smiths had to be sent back, but still are my favs. Hopefully it will work out for you this time.
I don't know which Detroit sports team to watch, they are all doing pretty well these days. Tigers are slipping though. Go Lions/Wings!

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:30 pm
by greener
Haven't seen or heard from Ruger, so I emailed CS last night asking if they could update the status. Their response today was that yes, they did log it in on 10/10, it was being repaired and that these things generally take 10-15 business days and I should contact them later. I believe they've had it for 16 business days.

Ruger is working on having this pistol more time than me since I purchased it. All will be well if they actually fix it this time.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:02 pm
by greener
The LC9 left Prescott on Thursday and made it to Richmond at noon today. The repair note said they replaced the firing pin and the spring. They reported firing 150 rounds, 50 each of three types. They included the end tabs for the ammo boxes. I'll know this weekend if they fixed it.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:16 pm
by Hakaman
Good to hear it's back. Has Ruger had that gun longer than you've had so far?
I can't wait to hear how she shoots for you(or is it a "he"?).

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:57 pm
by greener
Hakaman wrote: Has Ruger had that gun longer than you've had so far?

Real close, but I think they have the edge.

Just checked. I bought it 14 weeks ago and I think Ruger had it 8 of those 14.

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:31 pm
by greener
98 rounds chambered, 98 fired first time. Looks like they got it fixed.